Coviewing – meet your client in the virtual tour
Visit your virtual tour together with the client, use the voice call to communicate, let the client explore on their own and follow them or take control to show them what you want to. Use the ping and the draw tool to orientate your client easily on the tour.
In the Coviewing mode the owner of the virtual tour is the presenter and as such has more control over the Coviewing session. The client is the viewer and does not have the access to the control toolbar.
How to start Coviewing

Choose one of three options to connect to your client
Hash (1) You can invite a client who is using the Evryplace mobile app by sharing a hash code with them. To connect your client has to have Evryplace mobile app installed on their mobile or tablet device and enter this hash code after tapping the Join Coviewing button. It is shown below how to join from the mobile app. | Link (2) You can share the link to Coviewing with your client. It can be opened on desktop and mobile devices. To join client simply has to click the link and they will join the presentation |
Email (3) You can enter your clients email address and they will receive the link described in Link. Your client can open the link and they will join the Coviewing. Works on desktop and mobile. |
Once you have shared the link or hash with your client, wait for them to join. When they do you will see this screen, which says that client has connected (green text):

If you want to get back to this window later during the presentation – for example if your client disconnects you can do it by pressing the “i” icon on the bottom bar.
How will the client see Co-viewing?
Mobile device – smartphone or tablet

(2) They type in the Hash code you should give them
(3) Next
(4) They type in their name
(5) Complete
When they close the dialog window that displays after joining they will have already started Co-Viewing. It is worth mentioning that they do not see the bottom bar with control buttons, because it is you who control the Co-Viewing. When you intend to take control away from your viewer it is good to inform them beforehand.
Web browser
After opening the link to Co-Viewing which you should send to your client, they will see this screen:

(2) Client clicks Join.

Co-viewing functionalities
When you and your client have both successfully joined Co-Viewing you can start presenting the virtual tour to your client. Show them around and attract their attention to crucial points. Ask them questions and address all doubts via voice connection.

- The gray rectangle shows you in which direction your client is looking.
- The switch between Present(2a) and Follow(2b). Use to control the flow of your Co-Viewing. While Presenting you are in control, which means it is you who uses transitions to move around the virtual tour and you can also open Pop-up banners.
While you are Presenting you can also use the Sync checkbox(2c) to take full control over your clients camera – they will have no control over their camera and you will be moving it for them (without Sync, you choose the room, and open Popups but they can freely control their camera to look in direction of their own choice).
When in Follow your client chooses to use transitions (they can go to a different room or scene) and open Popups. Without Sync your camera will be in your control, use sync to follow your clients camera to see what they are looking at. - Starts and ends the voice connection.
- Mutes your microphone.
- Mutes your client.

- Hand tool – when it is selected use your left mouse button to drag around the camera and look around your virtual tour. Use the right mouse button to use ping – it shows your client where you want them to look.
- Drawing – when selected allows you to draw on the virtual tour. If you want to go back to controlling the camera reselect the Hand tool.
- Clear all drawings with one click by selecting the trash can button.
End of the Co-Viewing
When you are finished and you have shown everything to your client and you want to end the Co-Viewing just close the browser tab.