Published and draft tours
What is the difference?
Published presentation
When a presentation (or in other words virtual tour) is finished you need to publish it for the tour to become active and available to view by your clients.
Published status is required for a presentation link to work in emails, social media and real estate portals.
If your tour does not work for some reason the first thing you should check is its status – you need your tour to be published in order to work.
Find out how to publish your tour here

Draft presentation
Draft is a virtual tour which was created and unfinished or finished, but wasn’t published. Great for the time when you are in the middle of the process of creating a tour. When the tour is a draft nobody can view it, only you.
That’s why it cannot be shared in social media, emails and any other forms.

Sometimes presentations go from published to draft automatically – when you downgrade your plan (most often when it goes from trial or paid subscription to Evryplace Free plan). Drafts and still be safely stored in your Evryplace account. It can happen for example when your card has insufficient funds and the payment could not be processed. You will be notified about this by email.